Monday, August 21, 2006

Remembering Ammama-My Grandmother
It is almost 16 years since my grandma passed away, I don't know why, but yesterday I was going through our family photo albums when I saw a photograph of my grandparents posing for their thirty-fifth wedding anniversary. Both of them were simple people, my grandpa was a cook and my grand ma ran a small store in our native village in Kerala. They had four children two boys and two girls . My mother was their third child. All the children were raised with great care and love even though they were financially poor.

My two uncles came to the erstwhile Calcutta to make a living , they prospered and in five years time saved money to bring the family from Kerala to Calcutta.

My father was on a contract job in the Middle-East and both me and my sister were brought up by our mother in our uncle's house. My sister was very close to grandpa, while I was the centre of affection of my grandma. Grandma used to narrate fairy-tales and prepare delicious savouries and sweets during festivals.

When grandpa died, she was totally heart-broken and was never able to recover from the personal tragedy. She died three years later.

When I am alone I recollect the days I spent in her laps listening to her fairy-tales and falling asleep. Some things in life are priceless and I wish my grandma were alive to see me, her grandson working and earning his living.

I know that she is a star in the skies watching my progress and showering her blessings on me.

1 comment:

mahesh said...

revathi said That is a very emotional post. Sure your grandparents would have been proud of you.Just remember what they taught you, and continue progressing in life.

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