Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Diwali's come and gone. I believe it is the most lacklustre Diwali that I have ever been through. No crackers, no midnight celebrations, no all evening carrom and chess tournaments. Above all after seven years for the first time I did not see a movie in a cinema hall on its Diwali release date. Well we have to make some sacrifices when one works for a foreign B.P.O., let bygones be bygones.

Well we did get some sweets from office, but nowadays every office gives sweets on most festive occasions.

Saw some movies on DVD this weekend-I saw "Citizen Kane" and I was spellbound by the awesome power and charm of Orson Welles. It would be great if the movie is made in Tamil with Parthiban or Raj Kiran playing the role of Kane.

By folks take care.

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